FOCUS Marines Foundation
FOCUS Marines Foundation was created in 2010 by Marines who served in the Corps years ago. Following active service, they lived productive and rewarding lives. These Marines, many of whom saw combat in Vietnam, understood firsthand the issues of transitioning from military to civilian lives and were determined to help this new generation of Marines and veterans who served during the war on terror.
FMF developed a week long program called FOCUS, held west of St. Louis, Missouri. The program is conducted four times each year with a maximum of 30 per class. Participants arrive on Saturday and depart the following Saturday. Sunday is spent building class energy and cohesion. Monday – Wednesday focuses on “Who Are You? & Who Do You Want To Be?” Thursday – Friday addresses “What Do You Want To Do? & How Are You Going To Make It Happen?” The entire FOCUS program and travel are PROVIDED FREE OF COST TO PARTICIPANTS. To understand how effective the FOCUS program is, please see the Graduate Testimonials. To date, nearly 1,000 post-9/11 veterans from the Marine Corps, Navy, Army and Air Force have attended FOCUS. Marines and Navy Corpsmen comprise 90% of each class. Attendees have ranged in rank from Private to Colonel, and in ages from 21 to 67. They came to FOCUS from throughout the U.S. These veterans return home with new-found self-respect and purpose.
Below is a list of characteristics that post-9/11 veterans attending FOCUS have exhibited. They are the issues that cause the downward spiral many veterans find difficult to recover from. FOCUS has been very successful in providing tools to address these problems.
ANXIETY: Quick to anger. The smallest things can trigger anger
DEPRESSION: Lacks motivation, focus and purpose. Not working or attending school
ADDICTION: Addicted to drugs, alcohol, porn or video gaming
INSOMNIA: Poor or erratic sleep. Little or no sleep at night and little sleep during the day
ISOLATION: Avoids public places, friends and family
RELATIONSHIPS: Problems with family, friends and coworker relationships
NEGATIVITY: Most things have a negative meaning, the glass is always half empty
SELF-DOUBT: Lacks self-confidence and has lost pride and self-respect